
PhD Position @ Department of Cybernetics and AI – Cloud Robotics & AI
Call for PhD student in Cloud Social Robotics We open one international position for PhD study in branch of Intelligent Systems – one person at

What we are doing @Department of Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence, TU Kosice, Slovakia
Our Department consists of 3 Units Center for Intelligent Technologies – life of this unit you can find here Center for Applied Cybernetics – life

SAMI 2017
Dear friends, This year we are expecting very interesting friends research people on SAMI 2017 conference. Please have a look to plenary and invited people

Invitation to meeting in Kosice – Symposium on Emergent Trends in AI and Robotics
The conference will provide a unique opportunity for the academic and industrial communities to address new challenges, share solutions, and discuss research directions for the

Visitors notice
Let your visitors know about news and events on your website as often as possible. You need to keep your website up-to-date so that your

Website launched
Our new website has been launched today.Tell your visitors why you have started a new presentation and how it benefits them. Mention your goals and